ButlerTexasLonghorns.com is sponsored by
a group of breeders who specialize in the
Butler bloodline of Texas Longhorn cattle.
Please enjoy your visit to the sponsoring ranches
and more of the Butler Texas Longhorns. |
We specialize in Butler and Butler influence cattle. In 1999 our longhorn cattle program was one of six nationally to be placed in the highest category for horns by the Texas Longhorn Journal.
Some of the cattle produced in our program include Coach (possessor of the longest tip to tip horn measurement for a Butler bull in the 20th Century...66 1/2" 1999, 68" later), Sabrina (highest selling longhorn at auction 1985 through 2004, horns 75 1/4" tip to tip at age nine years), SCC Pumpkin Pie (highest selling consignment at the 2004 Butler Invitational Sale) and Miss Redmac 17/0 (highest selling longhorn in the Butler section of the 2005 Red McCombs Fiesta Sale).
At present our herd includes 36 breeding age Butler females and nine Butler influence blend breeding age females. Our senior herd sire is the very complete Butler bull FA Field Marshal. He is a product of our breeding program (sire Coach, dam MF TNT). Field Marshal has 69" horns tip to tip, weighs 1680 pounds, has excellent conformation and is red and white in color. His dam MF TNT has 76 3/8" horns tip to tip. |
Sire: Coach Dam: MF TNT
(Dam is in the photograph background)
Visitors are welcome.
We hope you have a great longhorn experience.
Frank Anderson, Jr.
743 South Rosemary Drive
Bryan, Texas 77802
(979) 846-8020 |
Frank Anderson, III
PO Box 130512
Houston, Texas 77219-0512
(713) 984-9431 |